GORDON, Charles A.

GORDON, Charles Alexander. 1821 — London 30.9.1899. British Surgeon-General in India. Son of an officer. Studies at Edinburgh and St.Andrews (M.D. 1849). From 1841 Assistant Surgeon in Army Medical Department, served in North India, 1847-48 on West Africa expedition and 1860-61 in China. In 1870-71 in Franco-German war as medical commissioner for the French Army, then Surgeon-General in Madras. Retired in 1880. K.C.B. 1897. Married.

Publications: “On Hygiene in Ancient India”, MJLS 1879, 1-35.

Experiences of an Army Surgeon in India. 168 p. L. 1872; Through Three Victorian Campaigns: Experiences of a Regimental Surgeon During the Gwalior War, Campaigns in West Africa and the Indian Mutiny. 18??; Recollections of Thirty-Nine Years in the Army: Gwalior and the Battle of Maharajpore, 1843, the Gold Coast of Africa, 1847-48, the Indian Mutiny, 1857-58, the Expedition to China, 1860-61, the Siege of Paris, 1870-71, etc. 8+320 p. L. 1898.

Medical writings; travel books on Burma, Gold Coast (Ghana), and Madeira.

Sources: British Medical Journal 1899, 958f.; scanty stray notes in Internet.

Last Updated on 9 months by Admin


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