GORDON, Douglas Hamilton. 1895 — Hingham, Norfolk 16.2.1961. British Colonial Officer and Archaeologist. Colonel. Educated at Wellington and R.M.C., went to India in 1914. War service in Mesopotamia, then long military career in India, mainly in N.W.F. Province. In retirement concentrated on his archaeological studies. Married, one son and one daughter. His large collection of stone tools is in the British Museum.
Publications: “Some Notes on ‘Possession by Bhūts’ in the Punjab”, Man 23, 1923, 150-152;
– “Some Terra-Cottas from Sari Dheri, North-West Frontier Province”, JRAnthrInst 62, 1932, 163-171; “Korku Memorial Tablets”, Man 36, 1936, 17-19; “The mother-goddess of Gandhara”, Antiquity 1937, 70-79; “The microlithic industries of India”, Man 38, 1938, 91-100; “Early Indian Terracottas”, JISOA 11, 1943, 136-195; “The Microlithic Industries of India”, Man 38, 1938, 21-24, 63f.
– “Hellenism in North-West India”, JASB 3rd series 10, 1944, 1-25
– “Sialk, Giyan, Hissar and the Indo-Iranian connection”, Man in India 27, 1947, 195-241; “The stone industries of the Holocene in India and Pakistan”, Anc. India 6, 1950, 64-90; “The Early Use of Metals in India and Pakistan”, JRAnthrInst 80, 1950, 55-78; “The Rock Engravings of Kupgallu Hill, Bellary, Madras”, Man 51, 1951, 117-119; “The pottery industries of the Indo-Iranian border: a re-statement and tentative chronology”, Anc. India 10-11, 1954-55, 157-191, pl. 76.
– With F. R. Allchin: “Rock Paintings and Engravings in Raichur, Hyderabad”, Man 55, 1955, 97-99.
– The Prehistoric Background of Indian Culture. 8+199 p. 32 pl. Bombay 1958.
– Other articles; small notes in Man, reviews in JRAS.
Sources: D. Barrett, Man 61, 1961, 122f. with photo; briefly in British Museum home page; stray notes in Internet (mainly on his publications).
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