WILLIAMSON, Henry Drummond. Alvaston, Derbyshire 17.12.1854 — 21.3.1926. Rev. British Missionary in India. Son of Rev. G.F.W., educated at Rossall School. Studies at Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, B.A. 1877, M.A. 1889. Ordained deacon 1877, priest 1879. Worked from 1877 for C.M.S. at Mandla (now in Madhya Pradesh), until 1893. Then in various church offices in the U.K., from 1905 Vicar of St. Margaret’s, Ipswich. Married Alice Jean Collisson, two daughters and two sons.

Publications: Gondi Grammar and Vocabulary. 95 p. L. 1889.

– A church hymn book in Hindi.

Sources: W.T. Pike, East Anglia in the twentieth century: contemporary biographies. Brighton 1912,270; death in www.authorandbookinfo.com/ngcoba/wi2.htm.

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