GOUGH, Richard. London 21.10.1735 — Enfield, Middlesex 20.2.1809. British Antiquarian. Son of Harry Gough (1681–1751), M.P. and Director of E.I.C., and Elizabeth Hynde. Studies at Cambridge (Corpus Christi), 1752-56, without degree. Travelled much in the U.K., but never abroad, from 1774 resided in the family estate in Enfield. F.R.S. 1778. Married 1774 Anne Hall.
Publications: Wrote much on British topography and antiquities, numismatics, etc.
– A comparative view of the antient monuments of India, particularly those in the island of Salset near Bombay, as described by different writers. 16+88 p. L. 1785.
Sources: T.C[ooper], D.N.B. 22, 1890, 279-282.
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