YOUNG, Robert (1822–1888)

YOUNG, Robert. Edinburgh 10.9.1822 — Edinburgh 14.10.1888. British (Scottish) Missionary Printer in India, also a Hebrew Scholar. Son of John Young, a book-binder (Wikipedia) or of George Young, manager of a flour mill (D.N.B.). From 1838 worked as printer’s apprentice, used free times in learning Oriental languages. In 1847 started his own printing, collaborated with Free Church. In 1856-64 Superintendent of the Free Church of Scotland press in Surat. In 1864-74 conducted Missionary Institute in Edinburgh. In 1867 visited the U.S.A. LL.D. Married 1856 Margaret Turnbull, four daughters and three sons.

Publications: Gujarati Exercises, or a new Mode of Learning to read, write or speak the Gujarati Language on the Ollendorfian System. 500 p. Edinburgh 1865.

– English–Gujarati Dictionary. Edinburgh 1888.

– Biblical books and a new Bible translation.

Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; D.S.M[argoliouth], D.N.B. 63, 1900, 390; Wikipedia with portrait.

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