YOUNG, Robert (1822–1888)

YOUNG, Robert. Edinburgh 10.9.1822 — Edinburgh 14.10.1888. British (Scottish) Missionary Printer in India, also a Hebrew Scholar. Son of John Young, a book-binder (Wikipedia) or of George Young, manager of a flour mill (D.N.B., adding that father died when he was child). From 1838 worked as printer’s apprentice, used free times in learning Oriental languages. In 1847 started his own printing, collaborated with Free Church. In 1856-61 Superintendent of the Free Church of Scotland press in Surat, then back to Edinburgh. In 1864-74 conducted Missionary Institute in Edinburgh. In 1867 visited the U.S.A. LL.D. Married 1856 Margaret Turnbull (1813–1887), four daughters and three sons.

Publications: Gujarati Exercises, or a new Mode of Learning to read, write or speak the Gujarati Language on the Ollendorfian System. 500 p. Edinburgh 1865.

– English–Gujarati Dictionary. Edinburgh 1888.

– Biblical books and a new Bible translation.

Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; D.S.M[argoliouth], D.N.B. 63, 1900, 390; Wikipedia with portrait.

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