ZINKGRÄF, Willy. Ludwigshafen am Rhein 23.10.1903 — 19??. German Teacher and former Student of Indology. Son of Friedrich Zinkgräf and Elisabeth Beinder. Gymnasium in Mannheim. Student of Walleser at Heidelberg as early as 1922, also studied Germanistics. In the 1930s worked at Walleser’s institute. Ph.D. 1939 Heidelberg. In 1940 living in Mannheim, 1952 in Weinheim. Later taught Latin in Bonn (1963).
Probably he is Philipp Wilhelm Zinkgräf 1903–1969 of the genealogy in www.zinkgraef.de (but in 2024 I could no longer find him there).
Publications: Diss. Vom Divyâvadâna zur Avadâna-Kalpalatâ. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte eines Avadâna. 7+127 p. Materialien zur Kunde des Buddhismus 21. Heidelberg 1940.
Sources: Peschke, Walleser.
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