ABAEV, Vasilij Ivanovič

ABAEV, Vasilij Ivanovič (Oss. Vaso Abajty). Kobi, rajon Kazbeg, Georgia 15(28).12.1900 — Moscow 18.3.2001. Russian Iranian and Caucasian Scholar, himself of Ossetian Origin. Born in a village, in 1910-18 school in Tbilisi, then elementary school teacher in Kobi. From 1912 studied at the Oriental Faculty in St.Petersburg, graduated 1925 in Tbilisi, in 1930 returned to Leningrad. Naučnyj sotrudnik at the Linguistic Institute of the Academy of Science 1928. Kand. filol. nauk 1935. In 1942-44 taught at North and South Osseatia Pedagogical Institute. From 1948 staršij naučnyj sotrudnik. 1957 distinguished scholar of North Ossetian ASSR. In 1962 moved from Leningrad to Moscow, now at Linguistic Institute of Russian Academy. Dr. filol. nauk 1962, Professor 1969. Completed hundred years.

Abaev was a well-known specialist of the Ossetic language. In the early part of his career he represented Marrian ideas, but later developed into a many-sided scholar. The great Ossetian etymological dictionary is his main work.

Publications: At least 200 items, including:
Osetinskij jazyk i fol’klor. 1. 601 p. M. – L. 1949; Grammatičeskij očerk osetinskogo jazyka. 168 p. Ordžonikidze 1959 (transl. A Grammatical Sketch of Ossetic. Bloomington & The Hague 1964); Russko-Osetinskij slovar’. 624 p. M.
– L. 1950; Osetinsko-russkij slovar’/Iron-vyryssag dzyrdvat. 662 p. 2nd ed. Ordžonikidze 1962 (1st ed. M. 1953).
Istoriko-ètimologičeskij slovar’ osetinskogo jazyka. 1-2. 655+448 p. M. 1958-73.
Skifo-evropejskie isoglossy na styke vostoka i zapada. 168 p. M. 1965.
Izbrannye trudy. Religija, fol’klor, literatura. 840 p. Vladikavkaz 1990.
Stat’i po teorii i istorii jazykoznanija. M. 2006.
Sources: *V.A. Efimov, Voprosy jazykoznanija 2001:4; *M.I. Isaev, Izv. Sev.-Oset. NII 22:5, 1960, 5-28 & *Izv. Jugo-Oset. NII 1958:9, 396-414 & *Vaso Abaev. K 80-letoju so dnja roždenija. Ordžonikidze 1980, 2nd ed. 2000; Miliband 1995 and suppl 1997; Wikipedia (more in Russian version, with photo); photo in TITUS Galeria.

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