GREEN, Alexander. 1888 — 19??. U.S. Linguist. Grew up in Hungary, came to the U.S.A. in 1903. Studies, mainly German, at College of the City of New York (B.A.) and Columbia University (M.A.). Ph.D. 1913 Columbia. Further studies at Leipzig. In 1913-16 Instructor in German at University of Illinois, 1916-17 research scholar at Johns Hopkins. After war service as translator he was Modern Language Editor at D. C. Heath & Co. in New York, apparently still there in 1938 editing textbooks of European languages.
Publications: Diss. published as The dative of Agency, a chapter of Indo-European case-syntax. 12+123 p. N.Y. 1913.
– Articles on German.
Sources: Own statement in Records and Briefs of the United States Supreme Court 663, 1935, 408f.
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