GRELLMANN, Heinrich Moritz Gottlieb. Jena 7.12.1756 — Moscow 13.10.1804. German Cultural Historian, Statistician and Pioneer of Gipsy Studies. Professor at Göttingen. After school in Weimar studied 1776-81 at Jena. Then in Göttingen, where he became in 1787 ao. and 1794 ord. Professor. In 1804 Professor of Statistics at Moscow University, but died soon. He proved the already existing (Rüdiger 1777) hypothesis of Indian origin of the gypsies, but also showed traditional racist attitude.
Publications: Works on statistics and economics.
– Die Zigeuner, ein historischer Versuch über die Lebensart und Verfassung, Sitten und Schicksale dieses Volkes in Europa, nebst ihrem Ursprunge. 14+274 p. Dessau & Lp. 1783, 2nd rev. and enl. ed. 1787, English transl. by M. Raper. L. 1787, French transl. Histoire des Bohèmes. P. 1810.
Sources: Ratzel, A.D.B. 9, 1879, 636f.; German Wikipedia.
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