GRENARD, Joseph-Fernand. Paris 4.7.1866 — Paris 1.4.1945. French Traveller. Companion of Dutreuil de Rhins in his travels of exploration in Central Asia and Tibet. Son of telegraph official Alphonse Gr. and Jenny Panthin. Studied at École des sciences politiques and É.L.O.V. For particulars of the travel see —> Dutreuil de Rhins. When his company was killed by Tibetan villagers in Tong-mbon-ndo near Xining, also Grenard was robbed and captured, but was later sent home by Chinese officers and returned part of their things. Came to Peking in 16.12.1894, in France wrote the account of their travels. In 1899 joined the French consular service, served as vice-consul in Siwas and Erzerum, as consul in Riga, Bosna-Seraï, Odessa, and Liverpool, in 1916 attachée commercial dans les pays du Levant, 1917 consul general in Moscow, 1919 chargé de mission in Poland, then in charge of French embassy in Beograd, from 1927 Minister there. Married 1908 Berthe-Élise-Augusta-Joséphine-Marie Serruys. Never lost his interest in Asia.
Publications: Mission Scientifique dans la Haute-Asie. 1-3. P. 1897-98.
– Le Tibet. Le pays et les habitants. 387 p. P. 1904, English tr. 1904.
– “Haute Asie”, Geogr. universelle 8, 1929; Gengis-Khan. 206 p. O. 1935.
– Baber, fondateur de l’Empire des Indes. 6+182 p. P. 1930, English tr. 1971.
– La revolution russe. 392 p. P. 1933.
– Grandeur et décadence de l’Asie, l’avènement de l’Europe. 224 p. P. 1939.
– Articles and reviews.
Sources: N. Broc, D.B.F. 16, 1985, 1161f.; Hopkirk 1987, 99-104; Wikipedia (more details in French version).
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