GRIFFIN, Lepel Henry

GRIFFIN, Lepel Henry. Walford, Hertfordshire 20.7.1840 — London 9.3.1908. Sir. British Civil Servant in India. Son of Henry Gr., a clergyman, and Frances Sophia Hunter. Educated at Harrow, never went to university. Joined the I.C.S. in 1860, served in the Punjab. In 1870 Chief Secretary to Punjab Government, 1880 Chief Political Officer in Afghanistan. Negotiated with Abdur Rahman, the future Emir of Afghanistan. Resident in Indore and 1881-88 Agent to the Governor-General for Central India. Retired in 1889. Married 1889 Marie Leupold, two sons. K.C.S.I. 1881.

Publications: The Panjab Chiefs. Historical and Biographical Notices of the Principal Families in the Territories under the Panjab Government. 57+616+12 p. Lahore 1865, new ed. updated by C. F. Massy. 1-2. Lahore 1890.

The Law of inheritance in Chiefships, as observed by the Sikhs. 10+109 p. Lahore 1869.

­– The Rajas of the Panjab. 661 p. 1870; Ranjit Singh. 223 p. Rulers of India. Oxford 1894.

The Great Republic. 2nd ed. 16+184 p. L. 1884.

Famous Monuments of Central India. 22+96 p. 89 pl. L. 1888.

Sources: Who Was Who 1897–1915; Buckland, Dictionary; *C.W. Walton, Oxford D.N.B.; Wikipedia with photo.

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