GRIGNARD, André. 1865? — 1935?. S.J. Rev. Belgian Missionary in India. From the late 19th century worked in Ranchi. The North Dravidian Oraon language is now better known as Kurukh.
Publications: “The Oraons and Mundas: From the Time of Their Settlement in India. (An Essay of Constructive History)”, Anthropos 4, 1909, 1-19
– An Oraon-English Dictionary in the Roman characters with numerous phrases illustrative of sense and idiom and notes on tribal customs, beliefs etc. 7+697 p. Anthropos Ling. Bibl. 2. St.Gabriel–Mödling 1924.
– A grammar of the Oraon language. 317 p. Calcutta 1924; Hahn’s Oraon Folklore in the Original. A critical text with transl. and notes by A.G. 177 p. Patna 1931.
– “Our Romanized Hindustani-English Dictionaries: Their Partial inefficiency and its remedies”, JASB N.S. 20, 1924, 85-98.
Sources: Scanty stray notes in Internet, life years from Jesuit archives of Leuven without confirming that they belong to the missionary (
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