GRIMBLOT, Jean Paul Auguste. Marseille 28.6.1817 — Florence 23.5.1870. French Diplomat and Indologist. Studies of Indology in Paris under Burnouf. Traveled in Germany, U.K. and Italy. From 18?? French Consul in Ceylon and Burma. In Ceylon he learned Pāli and studied Buddhism, and achieved a fine collection of manuscripts for Bibliothèque Nationale. Returned to Europe planning extensive literary works, but fell soon ill and died. He married 1839 —> Anne Toulouzan, who edited his posthumous works.

Publications: Transl. from German with P. A. Toulouzan: C. C. von Leonhard, Géologie des gens du monde. 1-2. P. & Stuttgart 1839-40; transl. two philosophical works, by Schelling and Fichte.

Letters on Pāli manuscripts of Ceylon (in French), ZDMG 15, 1861, 141-143; 16, 1862, 557-563, 752-755; 18, 1864, 305-308, 831-833.

With L. Feer: “Extraits du Paritta”, JA 6:18, 1871, 225-335 (ed. PGr, tr. & notes by Feer).

– “Quelques sūtras traduits de pali”, JA 6:20, 1872, 220-231.

Edited and translated: Sept suttas Pâlis tirées du Dighâ Nikâya. 12+351 p. P. 1876.

Sources: Information kindly offered by Maxime Ravel referring toône%5D,%211839&xord=F&pg=12 (giving full names of both) and (birth and death of PG); *Cl. Pichois, “Un ami de Renan et Sainte-Beuve: P.Gr.”, Revue de litt. contemporaire 28, 1954, 40-56; briefly in BSL 1, 1871, 100.

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