AMMER, Karl. Vienna 25.10.1911 — Halle 16.1.1970. Austrian Indologist and Linguist in East Germany. Of modest origin. Professor in Halle. Studies at Vienna University (under Geiger, Frauwallner, Trubetskoy, Havers, et al.). Ph.D. 1939. From 1938 Librarian, then from 1941 several years Assistant at Oriental Inst., Vienna, but soon interrupted by war and, taken as war prisoner, could only resume his work in 1949. PD 1950 Vienna, lectured Sanskrit texts, once also Hindī. In 1952-54 Director of Dolmetscherinstitut in Vienna, later founder and director of similar institute in Leipzig. From 1954 Professor (ord. 1961) and director of the Seminar für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft und Indologie at Halle, until his death. In Halle concentrated more on linguistics than on Indology. In the 1960s living (married?) with Gertrud Bense, two children.  Among his students was Klaus Mylius.

Publications: Diss. Die Vergleiche im Rigveda. 158 p. 1939 (manuscript); hab.diss. Die sprachliche Situation der Kafirensprachen. Vienna 1950 (manuscript?).

– “Die L-Formen im Rgveda”, WZKM 51, 1948-52, 116-137; “Tvaṣṭar, ein altindischer Schöpfergott”, Die Sprache 1, 1949, 6877; “Sprachliche Interferenz und indische Frühgeschichte”, Trudy XXV m. kongres vostokovedov 4, Moscow 1963, 16-25; reviews (DLZ 1955, 1958; OLZ 1957); reviews in Die Sprache.

Einführung in die Sprachwissenschaft. 1. 8+212p. Halle 1958; Sprache, Mensch und Gesellschaft. 97 p. Halle 1961; further works and articles in general linguistics.

– “Studien zur indogermanischen Wurzelstruktur”, Die Sprache 2, 1950-52, 193-214; “Studien zur Laryngaltheorie”, WZUHalle 7, 1957-58, 125–136.

Sources: *B. Barschel, EAZ 11:3, 1970, 379; Bihl 164f.; *G.F. Meier, Z. zur Phon., Sprachw. u. 24, 1971, 1-3; *K. Mylius, GDR-Review 15, 1970, 7, 24; D.G.K. 1954, 1961, 1976; (with photo); works in Ges.Verz.; German Wikipedia; photo in Indology in GDR. 1878, another in TITUS Galeria.

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