GROSSET, Joanny. Lyon (Rhône) 29.3.1862 — 19??. French Pioneer of the Study of Indian Music. From the university of Lyon, therefore probably a student of Regnaud. Licencié-ès-lettres. He gave ideas about Indian music to Messiaen.
Publications: Contribution à l’étude de la Musique Hindoue. 90 p. Mélanges de philol. indo-europ. 6. P. 1888 (with Nāṭyaśāstra 28 edited and translated).
– Edited Bhâratîya-Nâṭya-Çâstram. Traité de Bharata sur le théatre. 1. 12+33+280+7 p. Ann. de l’Univ. de Lyon 40. P. & Lyon 1898 (ch. 1-14).
– “Inde. Histoire de la musique depuis l’origine jusqu’à nos jours”, A. Lavignac (ed.), Encyclop. de la musique. 1. P. 1913, 257-376.
Sources: Catal. gén. de la Libr. fr. 14, 1891–1899, P. 1901; N.U.C.; stray notes in Internet.
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