BALFOUR, Henry. Croydon, London 11.4.1863 — Headington, Oxford 9.2.1939. British Archaeologist and Anthropologist. Son of Lewis Balfour, a silk broker, and Sarah Walker Comber, educated at Charterhouse. Studies at Oxford (Trinity College), graduated 1885 in biology. Worked under H. N. Moseley in Pitt Rivers Museum (Oxford), at his death in 1891 succeeded him as its Curator and held this position until his own death. From 1903 also Research Fellow of Exeter College, 1935 Professor’s title. He travelled much and visited, beside India, Australia, Africa, South America and various parts of Europe. Ethnological tour in Naga Hills in 1922. Married 1887 Edith Marie Louise Wilkins, one son.

Publications: “Life History of an Aghori Fakir; with Exhibition of the Human Skull Used by Him as a Drinking Vessel, and Notes on the Similar Use of Skulls by Other Races”, JRAnthrInst 26, 1897, 340-357; “Some Types of Native Hoes, Naga Hills”, Man 17, 1917, 105-107.

– “The Use of the Term ‘Sikh’”, Man 22, 1922, 165-166.

– “Ceremonial Fire-Making in the Naga Hills”, Man 26, 1926, 101-103.

– Numerous articles not dealing with South Asia.

Sources: *H. La Reine, Oxford D.N.B.; J.L.M., Man 39, 1939, 77f.: Wikipedia with photo.

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