HAAG, Friedrich. Diessenhofen (or Hüttwilen) in Thurgau 14.1.1846 — Bern 3.11.1914. Swiss Classical Philologist and Indologist. Son of Ulrich Haag and Barbara Zimmermann. Studies at Zürich (Schweizer-Sidler), Göttingen and Berlin (Weber). Ph.D. Zürich 1869. In 1873 teacher in Frauenfeld (where —> E. Leumann was his disciple) and PD of Sanskrit and Slavonic Languages at Zürich, in 1873-76 teacher at Domschule of Tallinn in Estonia. In 1876-84 Rector of Gymnasium in Schaffhausen, again lectured on Slavic languages and Sanskrit at Zürich. In 1878 second habilitation at Zürich in Linguistics. In 1884-91 Rector of Gymnasium in Burgdorf. In 1887-1914 taught classical philology at Bern University (1887 ao., 1891 ord. Professor, 1906 emeritus). Concentrated now solely on classical philology (Latin), leaving Indology to Müller-Hess. Twice married, 1870 with Leontine Noe (d. 1876) and 1881 with Anna Zetter.
Publications: Diss. Vergleichung des Prakrit und der romanischen Sprachen. 68 p. Z. & B. 1869.
– Zur Textkritik und Erklärung von Kálidásas Málavikágnimitra. 1. 54 p. Frauenfeld 1872; Beiträge zu Viçâkhadatta’s Mudrârâxasa. 1. 50 p. Burgdorf 1886.
– School books of Latin, studies on school history of Bern, Slavic philology, etc.
Sources: *K. Marti, Zur Erinnerung an Prof. Dr. F.H. (1846–1914). 1914; F. Rogger Kappeler in Web HistLexSchweiz; Windisch 381; Hist.-Biogr. Lexikon der Schweiz 4 with small photo; German Wikipedia briefly.
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