HACKIN, J. Ria (Marie Alice, née Parmentier). Rombas, Moselle (then German) 7.9.1905 — on sea 24.2.1941. Luxemburgian, the wife and Secretary of —> J. G. Hackin. Daughter of Jean Parmentier, of Luxemburg. Studies at École du Louvre, Paris. In 1923 married Hackin, with him in Afghanistan in 1929-40. Like his husband joined France Libre. Killed on board of Jonathan Holt in an enemy attack, together with her husband.
Publications: Participated in many works of her husband, with her own name in: Le site archéologique de Bāmiyān. Guide du visiteur. P. 1934, German transl. 1939; Recherches archéologiques à Bégram. 1-2. 139 p. 78 pl. M.D.A.F.A. 9. P. 1939; also named as a contributor to M.D.A.F.A. 11.
– Ahmad Ali Kohzad, Légendes et coutumes afghanes. 204 p. P. 1953.
Sources: French Wikipédia with photo; www.ordredelaliberation.fr/fr/compagnons/marie-hackin with photo.
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