HAHLWEG, Klaus. 1921 — 1995. German Buddhist Scholar. During the war student of von Glasenapp at Königsberg. Ph.D. Munich 1954 (under H. Hoffmann). In the early 1980s living in Munich, still interested in Buddhism and Thai. Also knew Tibetan.

Publications: Diss. Das Mahāgovinda-Sūtra. Eine vergleichende Analyse der indischen und chinesischen Versionen. Manuscript of 183 p. Munich 1954.

– “Der Dhânyakaṭaka-Stûpa”, ZDMG 115, 1965, 320-326.

Siamesische Grammatik: Lautlehre. 1. 174 p. Munich 1967.

– Edited with W. Reinhold: Hundert Jahre deutsch-thailändische Freundschaft. 70 p. Bangkok 1962.

Sources: Briefly mentioned in Glasenapp’s autobiography, diss. in Janert; Adressbuch 1981, no longer in 1988; scanty stray notes in Interned showed wholly uninformative except for life years (2020/24).

Last Updated on 9 months by Admin


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