BERTRAND, Gabrielle. Reims 29.3.1908 — Paris 16.2.1961. French Traveller, Reporter, Writer and Photographer. Of Lorraine, lost her father in WW I. Studied at a hospital in Paris, but did not pass medical examination. Then she worked in various tasks and decided to become reporter. In 1933-35 travelled in North Africa, 1936-37 in Mongolia, North China, Korea and Japan, then in Indochina, and finally back to France. After WW II again in Algeria. In 1953-55 in Assam.
Publications: Terres secrètes où règnent les femmes. Deux ans parmi les tribus tibétaines de l’Assam. 235 p. 17 photos. P. 1956.
– À la recherche des éléphants sauvages. 95 p. ill. P. 1960.
– Books on her other travels.
Sources: French Wikipédia.
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