HAMMERICH, Louis Leonor. Copenhagen 31.7.1892 — Hørsholm/Hillerød 1.11.1975. Danish Linguist (Germanist). Son of Kai August H. and Louise Camille Bentzen. Matriculated 1910 from Roskilde. Studies at Copenhagen, Magister i Germ. filologi 1915, Ph.D. 1918. In 1919-20 Secretary of Danish Red Cross’ Berlin office, 1921-22 in Danish Delegation of Boundary Commission. Professor of Germanic Philology at Copenhagen in 1922-58. Married 1918 Clara Augusta Mathilde Flensborg (1894–1972), two sons.
Hammerich was many-sided scholar, in addition to Germanic he studied even Eskimo languages. In 1958 he revived the stagnated C.P.D. and arranged its publishing on international basis.
Publications: Studies on German and Eskimo.
– Laryngeal before sonant. 90 p. D. Vid.-Selsk. Medd. 31:3. Copehagen 1948.
Sources: H. Bach, D.B.L. 3rd ed. 5, 524-526; *L.F. Jakobsen, Lex. Gramm. 1996, 387f.; briefly in Swedish Wikipedia
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