HAMMERICH, Martin Johannes. Copenhagen 4.12.1811 — Iselingen, Vordingborg 20.9.1881. Danish Scholar of Literature and Educator interested in Indology. Son of merchant Johannes H. and Meta Adolph (d. 1823). From 1830 studies at Copenhagen University, 1833 Cand. Theol., 1836 Mag. with a diss. on Ragnarok myth. He was much interested in Germanic Philology and had the special permit to write his diss. in Danish (as first in Denmark), as he thought that the subject was not suitable to be dealt with in Latin. He had become interested in India as a child through West’s Śakuntalā translation (1793) and now he went to Bonn to study Sanskrit under von Schlegel and then to Oxford (Wilson). In 1838 travelled to see famous works of art in France, Italy and Greece. In 1841-44 konst. docent i Sanskrit at Copenhagen (during Westergaard’s travels). From 1842 he was 25 years Principal of Borgendydskolen in Christianshavn (his former school in Copenhagen) and became known as an enthusiastic and good educator. Also active in politics. Married 1841 Anna Mathea Aagaard (1820–1904), at least one son.

Publications: Diss. Om Ragnaroksmythen og dens Betydning i den oldnordiske Religion. 167 p. Copenhhagen 1836.

Translated: Sakuntala. Skuespil i syv Optrin af Kalidas. 16+139 p. København 1845, 2nd ed. 1858, 3rd 1879.

Much on Germanic philology and on education.

Sources: G. Christensen, Dansk biografisk Lexicon 3rd ed. 5, 1980; *Pauly, Køb. Univ. 8, 1992, 529ff.; Stache-Weiske 2017, 55f., 526; Wikipedia with two portraits.

Last Updated on 9 months by Admin


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