HANDT, Werner

HANDT, Werner. 18?? — 19??. German student of Indology. In 1899 he was in Greifswald. Ph.D. 1900 Tübingen (apparently student of Garbe).

Publications: Diss. Die atomistische Grundlage der Vaiśeṣika-Philosophie nach den Quellen dargestellt. Manuscript, Tübingen, publ. 64 p. Rostock & Leipzig 1900 (there was then no forced printing at Tübingen and it was published as a private printing).

– “Jahresbericht über indische Philosophie 1894-97”, Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 12, 1899, 211-225.

Sources: Diss. missing in Janert, but given in Meier’s review of Janert in OLZ 1962, 295; no further works in N.U.C. & GesVz.

Last Updated on 9 months by Admin


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