HANUSZ, Jan. Kołodziejówka near Stanisławów (then in Austrian Galicia, now Kolodiivka in Ukraina) 13.7.1858 — Paris 26.7.1887. Polish (Austrian) Indo-Iranian, Slavic, Armenian and Gipsy Scholar. Born in a village in the east of Lesser Poland (Małopolska), son of Józef H. Matriculated from Stanisławów gymnasium 1877. In 1877-81 studies of classic and Slavonic philology at Cracow, then further studies of Indo-Iranian, Slavic and IE linguistics at Leipzig (under Brugmann, Leskien, Curtius and Windisch). One term Indological and IE studies at Berlin under Weber, Oldenberg and J. Schmidt. Ph.D. 1882 Leipzig (on stress of Belarus nouns). In 1884 moved to Vienna, where further studies (under Bühler and Fr. Müller) and habilitation in Sanskrit and Comparative Linguistics. In Vienna he taught Sanskrit and IE linguistics and conducted research on Armenian, which he learnt from local Mekhitarists. A few months also field-work in the Armenian village Koty in eastern Poland. In 1887 he went to Italy to study on local Albanian, Slavic and Greek dialects, then to Paris in order to go to the U.K. to study on Celtic languages, but died suddenly of typhus before he could receive the new chair of Sanskrit and comparative IE linguistics at Cracow University.
As a scholar Hanusz could, before his early death, mainly publish on Slavistics. He was a Junggrammarian. His unfinished (glossary and phonetics complete) study on Kuty dialect is valuable, because this Polish Armenian dialect has later become extinct. His main work in Indology was the study of the n-cases (pl.G., sg.I., ne.pl.NA, du. G.-L.) of the n-declension and other vocalic declensions in Sanskrit. In Polish he wrote a number of reviews on Indological works.
Publications: Diss. Über die Betonung der Substantiva im Kleinrussischen, publ. in Archiv für slav. Philologie 7, 1884, 222-255, 325-385; “L’albanais en Abulie”, MSL 6, 1889, 263-267.
– Habil.diss. “Über das allmähliche Umsichgreifen der -n-Declination im Altindischen”, SWA 110, Vienna 1884, 41-83.
– “Beiträge zur armenischen Dialektologie”, WZKM 1, 1887, 181-197, 281-313; 2, 1888, 63-70, 124-132, 291-308; 3, 1889, 38-50 “O języka Ormian polskich”, Rozprawy A.V. Wydz. Filol. 11, 1885 & 13, 1889.
– “Zigeunerisches”, WZKM 1, 1887, 80f. (Dom–Lom–Rom).
– In Polish: “Szkic gramatyczny na podstawie języków indoeuropejskich”, Prace Filologiczne 1-2, 1885-88; “Kilka słow o sanskrycie”, Przegląd Polski 1884; “Kultura Indów w epoce wedyjskiej” (Vedic culture), Biblioteka Warsz. 3, 1885; translated Rigvedic hymns, wrote on Indian philosophy.
– Articles on Slavic, often in Polish.
Sources: Bihl 54; *Jagić, Archiv für slav. Philol. 10, 1887, 660-665; M. Karaś, Polski Słownik Biogr. 9, 1960-61, 284f. *A.A. Kryński, Prace filologiczne 2, 1888, 818-836 (in Polish); T. Pobożniak, “J.H., ein polnischer Schüler Albrecht Webers”, WZUBerlin 25, 1976, 301f.; *Polish Wikipedia.
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