HARINGTON, John Herbert. Woodford, Witshire 12.3.1765 — London 9.4.1828. British Civil Servant and Oriental Scholar in India. In India 1780-1819 & 1822-28. Son of Rev. John H. and Rachel Hawes (d. 1782). Came to India in 1780 as a Writer of E.I.C. in Calcutta, 1781 Assistant in Revenue Department, from 1783 Persian Translator there. After a period as Junior Judge in Delawanny Adawlut became in May 1793 Magistrate of Dinajpore and in December Sub-Secretary in Secret Department and Examiner and Reporter to Sudder Dewanny Adawlut. From 1796 Registrar of Sudder Dewanny and Nizamut Adawlut, 1799 Fourth Member of Board of Revenue, 1801 Puisne Judge of Sudder Dewanny and Nizamut Adawlut and 1811 Chief Judge of the same. In 1797 visited Ceylon. In 1819-22 on furlough in England. Back in India in 1822 provisional Member of Supreme Council. In 1823 Agent to Governor-General in Delhi, 1825 Member of Supreme Council and President of Board of Trade. Retired in 1828, but died soon in London. He was also Professor of the Laws and Regulations of the British Government in India at College of Fort William and later President of Council of the College. Married 1808 Amelia Johnston (1790–1861), five children. With an Indian mistress he had a daughter who married —> Fr. Irvine and probably a son.
Publications: “Description of a Cave near Gyá”, As. Res. 1, 1788, 276-278 (a brief description of Bodh Gaya).
– Edited: The Persian and Arabic Works of Sa‘dee. 1-2. Calcutta 1791-95.
– “Description of ‘Temple at Calanee’ and ‘Temple at Oogulbodda’”, As. Res. 6, 1800, 8° ed. 1801, 448-454 (both near Colombo, this must be the mysterious “On Buddhist Stupas in Ceylon” 1799 mentioned by Kopf 1969, 36).
– “Introductory remarks”, As. Res. 8, 1805, 8° ed. 1808, 529-534 (to Captain Mahony’s “On Singhala or Ceylon and the Doctrines of Bhooddha” in As. Res. 7, 1801).
– “Remarks upon the Authorities of Mosulman Law”, As. Res. 10, 8° ed. 1811, 475-512.
– An Elementary Analysis of the Laws and Regulations enacted by the Governor-General in Council at Fort William in Bengal… 1-3. Calcutta 1805-17; abridged version: Extracts from… 1866; Minute and Draft of Regulation, on the Rights of Ryots in Bengal. 4+70 p. Calcutta 1827.
Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; *K. Prior, Oxford D.N.B.; J.M.R[igg], D.N.B. 24, 1890, 389f.; Wikipedia.
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