HARRINGTON, John Peabody. Waltham, MA 29.4.1884 — San Diego, CAL 21.10.1961. U.S. Linguist and Anthropologist. Son of Elliot Augustus H. and Mary Lidia Peabody. Moved to California as child. Studied anthropology and classics, then also IE, at Stanford (A.B. 1905), Berkeley, Leipzig and Berlin, without completing his Ph.D. In 1915-55 Field Ethnologist of Smithsonian Institute. Also Professor of Comparative Linguistics at University of Southern California in Los Angeles in the 1930s. Conducted fieldwork on many Amerindian languages (including several now extinct). Also interested in archaeology. Married 1916 his stident Carobeth Tucker (then Laird, 1895–1983), divorced 1923, one daughter.

Publications: Wrote much, especially on Californian Indians, but also comprising the entire field from Alaska to South America, occasionally also on Spanish.

Sources: Wikipedia with photo; bibliography in http://www.rock-art.com/jph/biblio.ht

Last Updated on 9 months by Admin


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