BRUCE, John. Fife 1744/45 — Fife 16.4.1826. British (Scottish) Historian of the Colonial Period. Son of shipmaster Andrew Bruce and Jean Squyre. Studies at Edinburgh, then Professor of Logic and Moral Philosophy there. Historiographer of E.I.C. from 1801. In 1809-14 M.P. for Michell, Cornwall.

Publications: Historical Views of Plans for the Government of British India and the Regulation of Trade to the East Indies. 7+632 p. L. 1793.

Annals of the Honorable East IIndia Company, from their establishment by the Charter of Queen Elizabeth, 1600, to the Union of the London and English East-India Companies, 1707–8. 1-3. 8+572+677+693 p. L. 1810.

– Also wrote on philosophy and on European history.

Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; T. Cooper, D.N.B. 7, 1886, 107; *W. Foster, “J.B., Historiographer. 1745-1826”, Scottish Hist. Review 9, 1912, 366-375; *M. Fry, Oxford D.N.B.; Wikipedia.

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