BUSCHMANN,  Johann Carl Eduard. Magdeburg 14.2.1805 — Berlin 21.4.1880. German Linguist. Son of a craftsman. After school in Magdeburg studies of Arabic, Persian and especially Sanskrit at Berlin (Bopp), then at Göttingen, but never completed Ph.D. Later turned to Malayo-Polynesian and American languages. As tutor in Mexico 1826-28 he learned Nahuatl and living in Berlin he collaborated with W. von Humboldt on Old Javanese (Kavi) and edited the 3-vol. work after his death. From 1832 Assistant, 1835 Kustos and 1853 Librarian in Royal Library, Berlin. Hon. Ph.D. 1835 Königsberg. Prussian A.W. 1851.

Publications: Mainly wrote on Nahuatl and other Central and North American languages.

Sources: *R.Rohde, “K.E.B. Mitarbeiter der Brüder Humboldt und Bibliothekar an der kgl. Bibl. zu Berlin”, Fr. Krause & H.-E. Teitge (eds), Studien zum Buch- und Bibliothekswesen. Lp. 1989, 54-72; Wikipedia (more in German version).

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