IBBETSON, Denzil Charles Jelf. Gainsborough, Lincolnshire 30.8.1847 — London 21.2.1908. Sir. British Civil Servant and Ethnologist in India. Son of Denzil John Holt I. (1823–1871), a railway engineer, and Clarissa Elizabeth Guilding. Soon the father took orders and moved with his family to Australia. Educated at St.Peter’s College in Adelaide, South Australia, and then studied at St.John’s College in Cambridge (B.A. 1869 in mathematics). Joined the I.C.S. in 1870. Served i.al. as Superintendent of Census Operations in the Punjab, as director of Public Instruction and as Financial Commissioner for the Punjab. Later Secretary to the Government of India in Revenue and Agricultural Department, and Chief Commissioner of Central Provinces. In 1907-08 Lieutenant-Governor of the Punjab, but had to retire because of ill-health. K.C.S.I. 1903. Married 1870 Louisa Clarissa Coulden, five children.
Publications: “The Races, Castes and Tribes of the people”, Report on the Census of the Panjab. 1883 (Outlines of Panjáb Ethnography, being Report of 1881 treating of Religion, Language and Caste. Calcutta 1883); new ed. as a part of the Tribes and Castes, and sep. as Panjab Castes. 338 p. Lahore 1916.
– With E. D. MacLagan & H. A. Rose: A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Province. 1-3. 923+573+536 p. S.l. 1911.
Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; *I. Talbot, Oxford D.N.B.; Wikipedia with portrait; additional family details from stray notes in Internet.
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