ANDREEV, Mihail Stepanovič.

ANDREEV, Mihail Stepanovič. Taškent 11(23).9.1873 — Stalinabad (Dušanbe) 10.11.1948. Russian Iranian Scholar. Son of an official. Graduated from the Turkmenian Teachers’ College in 1893. In 1905-14 interpreter and vice-consul for British and French Colonies in India and Indochina. In 1914-18 inspector of schools in Samarkand Oblast. In 1918-47 teacher and from 1920 director of the Turkestan Oriental Institute / Faculty of Oriental Languages, Central Asian University, Taškent. In 1944-47 also naučnyj sotrudnik at the Inst. of History and Archaeology of the Uzbek Academy of Sciences, 1947-48 n. sotr. at the Inst. of Languages and Literature of the Tadzhik Academy of Sciences and teacher at the Tadžikistan University. Correspondent member of the Soviet Academy of Sciences 1929, full member of Uzbekistan Acad. of Sciences 1943, Distinguished Scholar in Tadžikistan 1943 and in Uzbekistan 1945. Worked in Tashkent and Dushanbe on East Iranian languages and ethnography, especially on Yaghnobi.

Publications: At least 60 items, some published posthumously, i.a.:

Po ètnologii Afganistana. Dolina Pandžir. 101 p. Taškent 1927.

Jazguljamskij jazyk. Tablica glagolov. 20 p. Leningrad 1930.

Tadžiki doliny Huf (verhov’ja Amu-Dar’i). 1–2. 247+521 p. Stalinabad 1953-58.

With E. M. Peščerëva: Jagnobskie teksty, s priloženiem jagnobsko-russkogo slovarja sostavlennogo M. S. Andreevym, V. A. Livšicem i A. K. Pisarčik. 392 p. M.–Leningrad 1957.

Materialy po ètnografii Jagnoba. 192 p. Dušanbe 1970.

Sources: Miliband. 1977 (with further references); *Russian Vikipedija with photo.

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