JACOBSON, Nolan Pliny

JACOBSON, Nolan Pliny. Hudson, WI 27.3.1909 — Adel, GA 27.12.1987. U.S. Philosopher interested in Buddhism. Son of Jacob Albert J. and Lena Engen. Started in business, but in the end of the 1930s gave it up in order to begin studies at Emory University. During the war served in navy. Ph.D. 1948 Chicago. Taught at Huntingdon College (Alabama), Oregon University, Florida University, North Carolina University, Queens College and Davidson College (North Carolina). In 1954-74 Professor of Philosophy and Religion at Winthrop College, South Carolina. In retirement lived in Adel, Georgia, and died there. Married 1939 Leila Grace Webb.

Publications: Diss. Religious Naturalism in the Writings of Karl Marx. Manuscript 1948.

A number of articles about relation between Buddhism and Western thought, in Philosophy East & West, etc.

Buddhism: The Religion of Analysis. 202 p. L. 1966; Understanding Buddhism. 228 p. 1985.

Buddhism and the Contemporary World: Change and Self-Correction. 190 p. 1983.

The Heart of Buddhist Philosophy. 189 p. 1988.

Sources: Buddhist Studies Review 6:1, 1989, 50f.; stray notes in Internet.

Last Updated on 8 months by Admin


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