CONNER, Peter Eyre

CONNER, Peter Eyre. 5.8.1789 (hardly 1794) — Hyderabad 29.4.1821. British Colonial Officer in India. Lieutenant of Madras infantry. Together with Ltn. Benjamin S. Ward conducted the survey of Travancore and Cochin 1810-21.

Publications: “Description of the Hill Tribes in Travancore”, MJLS 1, 1834, 1-7; “Extract from the Memoir of the Survey of Travancore” [cont.], MJLS 1, 1834, 54-83 (now on Nairs, Bramins, Muslim, etc.).

Geographical and statistical memoir of the survey of the Travancore and Cochin states, executed under the superintendence of lieutenants Ward and Conner, from July 1810 to the end of the year 1821. Vol. 1. 1863; vol. 4. 123 p. Madras 1893; vol. 2. 281 p. Madras 1902.

– With B. S. Ward: A Descriptive memoir of Malabar. Ed. by S. Raimon. 275 P. Thiruvananthapuram 1995.

Sources: *Biographical sketch in the 1995 book; the earlier birth date is given in Wikipedia on C. Mackenzie, 1794 in

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