JAWORSKI, Jan. Sanniki, Masovia 31.10.1903 — Stargard, Pomerania 19.2.1945. Polish Sinologist interested in Buddhism. Son of Micheł J. and Stefania Sobocka. Studies in Warsaw (Schayer) and Paris (Przyluski). PD 1930 and eo. Professor 1936 at Warsaw. In 1934-36 worked in Polish consulate in Harbin. Nothwithstanding his failing health participated in war in September 1939 and in Warsaw uprising of 1944. His main interest was the Buddhist canon, especially the relation between Chinese and other versions. Later also interested in Chinese popular literature. Also knew Japanese.

Publications: “La section des Remèdes dans le Vinaya des Mahīśāsaka et dans le Vinaya pāli”, RO 5, 1927 (1929), 92-101; “La section de la Nourriture dans le Vinaya des Mahīśāsaka”, RO 7, 1929-30 (1931), 53-124.

La section de l’ordination dans le Vinaya des Mûlasarvâstivâdin. Warsaw 1930 (Compte-r. des Séances de la Soc. des Sciences et des Lettres de Varsovie 33, 1931, 1-488).

– “L’Avalambana-Sūtra de la Terre Pure, trad. et annoté”, Monum. Serica 1, 1935-36, 82-107.

– “Notes sur l’ancienne littérature populaire en Chine”, RO 12, 1936, 181-193.

Sources: *J. Chmielewski, Polski słownik Biogr. 11, 1964-65, 107f.; RO 15, 449; Norwegian and *Polish Wikipedia.

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