JOHNSTONE, Peirce de Lacy Henry. Dublin 25.5.1848 — Edinburgh 26.1.1927. British (Scottish) Civil Servant in India. Son of Lieutenant-Colonel Francis William J. and Maria Mahony. Studies at Edinburgh and Oxford (Balliol College), where he was Boden Scholar of Sanskrit 1869. B.A. 1871, M.A. 1876. In 1871 joined Bengal Civil Service, served in the Punjab, retired 1885 for health reasons. Barrister 1886. In 1886-88 worked on New English Dictionary, 1890-99 jointly conducted Craigmount House School Edinburgh. Then barrister in Edinburgh. Married 1888 Jessie Sime. Member of R.A.S. Also knew Arabic and Persian.
Publications: Muhammad and his power. 18+238 p. Edinburgh 1901.
– Translated (in verse): The Raghuvamça, the Story of Raghu’s Line, by Kâlidâsa. 48+200 p. L. 1902.
Sources: Title page of his Raghuvaṁśa; The Balliol College Register, 1832-1914 in; stray notes in Internet (many give 1850 as his birth year, but the Balliol register has the exact date and other details, death and family details in
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