D’JAKOV, Aleksej Mihajlovič

D’JAKOV, Aleksej Mihajlovič (A. Diakov). Luganovo 5.(17.)2.1896 — Moscow 16.3.1974. Russian Historian. Son of M. A. D’jakov, grandnephew of M. A. Bakunin. Educated in Tver, studied medicine in 1913-14 at Moscow, 1914-19 at Tomsk, again at Moscow graduated in 1921. Worked in Tadzhikistan, from 1932 in Moscow teaching in various institutes, from 1950 as Professor at Institut vostokovedenija. Dr. filol. nauk 1947. In his studies concentrated on history, economy and ethnography.

Publications: Three books on Indian modern history.

– “Istoričeskoe značenie sektantskih dviženij XV–VII vekov v Indii / Historical Significance of Sectarian Movements in India in the XV–XVII Centuries”, Doklad sovetskoj delegacii…  Sekcija indovedenija / Papers presented by the Soviet Delegation at the XXIII Intern. Congress of Orientalists: Indian Studies. M. 1954, 5-22.

Sources: Russian Vikipedija.

Last Updated on 9 months by Admin


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