JOSEPH, E. A. A. 18?? — 19??. British Civil Servant in India. B.A. From 1905 served in Rohtak, 1910-12 as Deputy Commissioner. In 1920/28 he was Revenue Secretary to Punjab government. Later on, General Manager of Assam Railways. In 1946 E. Joseph donated a prisoner’s tag from Pakistan to Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford.
Publications: Haryanavi-English, English-Haryanavi dictionary: A lexical presentation of language, lore, and life. Ed. by K. C. Yadav. 255 p. Gurgaon 2007.
– Punjab District Gazetteer: Rohtak District. 182 p. 1910.
– “Jatu Glossary”, JASB N.S. 6, 1910, 693-874 (Jātū, a.k.a. Haryānī and Bāṅgarū).
– Customary Law of the Rohtak District. Lahore 1911.
Sources: Scanty stray notes in Internet; photo in
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