JOUVEAU-DUBREUIL, Gabriel. Saigon 1.1.1885 — Paris 15.7.1945. French Teacher and Archaeologist in India, He came to Pondichéry in 1909 and worked as Professor of “physique chimie” at Pondichéry Collège for 27 years (with the interruption of war Service). In 1938 apparently still living there. In 1926 found Nagarjunakonda, then excavated by Longhurst. Himself condusted excavations i. al. in Virapatnam-Arikamedu from 1937 on and recognized its Roman ceramics. His student and assistant was P. Z. Pattabiramin (1906–1971).
Publications: Archéologie du Sud de l’Inde. 1-2. 192+146 p. 108 pl. A.M.G. Bibl. d’ét. 26-27. P. 1914.
– “Les antiquités de l’époque Pallava”, Revue Histoire de l’Inde Française 1, 1916-17, 9-80 & 2, 1918, 5-32; “Les Pallavas”, RHIF 1, 1916-17, 341-443; “Histoire ancienne du Deccan”, RHIF 3, 1919, 219-349, English transl. Ancient History of the Deccan. Pondicherry 1920.
– L’Inde et les Romains. 7 p. P. 1921, English translation, “India and the Romans, by R. C. Temple, in the IA 52, 1923, 50-53.
– “La tholos aryenne du Malabar”, JRAS 1926, 715f. (English translation in the IA 57, 1928, 34); “Podouke-Pondichéry”, Le Semeur 10, Pondichéry 1938; “Les ruines romaines de Pondicherry”, BEFEO 40, 1940, 448-450.
– Iconography of Southern India. Transl. by A. C. Martin. 2+137 p. 78 pl. P. 1937.
– Dupleix ou l’Inde conquise. 190 p. P. 1942.
Sources: *A. de Saxcé, “GJ-D: la passion d’un archéologue pour l’Inde du Sud”, Revue historique de Pondichéry 2014, 3-30; Catal. gén. de la libr. fr. 26, 1913–1915 & 29, 1919–1921; life dates in; modest photo in; Wikipedia briefly with photo.
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