BOURGUIGNON D’ANVILLE, Jean-Baptiste. Paris 11.7.1697 — Paris 28.1.1782. French Cartographer, Geographer and Historian of Geography. Son of Hubert Bourguignon, a tailor, and Charlotte Vaugon. Student of abbé de Longerue. One of the Royal Geographers at the age of 22 (1719). In 1754 member of A.I.B.L., 1773 of Académie des Sciences. In the same year (1773) first geographer of the king. Married Charlotte Testard (d. 1781), two daughters. He was a great pioneer of modern cartography and collected an important collection of maps, now in the Bibliothèque Nationale.

Publications: Published 211 maps (almost 50 on Asia) and 78 books and memoirs.

Eclaircissemens geographiques sur la carte de l’Inde. 7+161+11 p. P. 1753; “Mémoire sur le pays d’Ophir, où les flottes de Salomon alloient chercher de l’or”, MAIBL 30, 1764, 83-92 (Arabian colony in Mozambique); “Recherches géographiques et historiques sur la Sérique des Anciens”, MAIBL 32, 1768, 573-603; Antiquité géographique de l’Inde. 12+238+11 p. P. 1775; Atlas antiquus Danvillianus. 12 maps. Norimbergae. 1784.

Sources: M. Prévost, D.B.F. 3, 1939, 84-86; Wikipedia (with portrait, more in French version).

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