HENDLEY, Thomas Holbein

HENDLEY, Thomas Holbein. 21.4.1847 — London 2.2.1917. British Physician in India. Colonel. Educated privately and at St.Bartholomew’s Hospital in London. Joined Indian Medical service and worked 27 years under Foreign Department in India, as Residency Surgeon in Jaipur States. Colonel 1894. From 1898 Inspector General of Civil Hospitals and Fellow of Calcutta University until 1903, when retired from service and returned to England. C.I.E. 1891. Interested in Indian art and helped in the establishment of Jaipur Museum.

Publications: “An Account of the Maiwár Bhils”, JASB 44:1, 1875, 347-388, pl. xxvif.

The Jeypore guide. 146+11+7 p. Jeypore 1876; Memorials of the Jeypore Exhibition 1883. 1-4. [L. 1883]; Handbook to the Jeypore Museum. Illustrated by W. Griggs. 9+126 p. pl. Calcutta 1895.

Damascening on steel or iron, as practised in India. 18 p. 32 col. pl. L. 1892.

Rulers of India and Chiefs of Rajputana. 88 p. 19+7 pl. 1897.

Indian Jewellery. 189 p. 167 pl. L., Journal of Indian Art 1906.

Medico-Topographical Account of Jeypore. 3+128 p. 13 pl. Calcutta 1895; General medical history of Rajputana. 2+202 p. Calcutta 1900.

Some further works and articles.

Sources: Who Was Who 1916-1928; Br. Med. J. 1917 Feb 10, 1(2928), 211; Buckland, Dictionary; worldcat.org; Wikipedia with photo.

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