HENDRIKSEN, Hans Frederik. Jutland 6.6.1913 — 1989. Danish Indologist. Professor in Copenhagen. Son of Kai H., an official, and Gerda Raabye. Matriculated from Østre Borgerdydskole in Copenhagen in 1932. Studies of comparative linguistics and Indology at Copenhagen under Pedersen and Tuxen, also at Leipzig 1937-38 (J. Friedrich), Paris 1938-39 (Bloch, Benveniste, Vendryes), Uppsala 1940 and 1941 (H. Smith) and London 1947 and 1949 (Turner and Bailey). M.A. 1937, Ph.D. 1944 Copenhagen. From 1940 Assistant to H. Smith in C.P.D. In 1947-51 Smith’s successor as the Professor “i sanskrit med jämförande indoeuropeisk språkforskning” at Uppsala Uni­versity in Sweden, in 1951-83 Tuxen’s successor as Professor “i indisk-østerlandsk filologi” at Copenhagen. In 1952-53 five months and 1964 sic months Linguistic field-work in Himachal Pradesh. Married 1943 Christiane Louise Caspersen.

In his early years Hendriksen was a very promising Pāli scholar and his Himachali studies were a pioneer work, but later he published very little. A further interest was Hittite. Among his students was Simonsson at Uppsala.

Publications: Diss. Syntax of the Infinite Verb-Forms of Pāli. 12+169 p. Copenhagen 1944.

Untersuchungen über die Bedeutung des Hethitischen für das Laryngaltheorie. 99 p. Vidensk. Selsk. Meddelelser 28:2. 1941.

– “The active and passive”, Språkvetensk. Sällskapets i Uppsala Förhandlingar 1946-48, 1948, 61-76; “A syntactic rule in Pāli and Ardhamāgadhī”, AO 20, 1948, 81-106; “On the meaning of Skr. bhavati”, AO 20, 1948, 206-215.

– “The Three Conjugations in Sinhalese”, BSOAS 13:1, 1949, 154-165; “Two Problems in Indo-Aryan”, BSOAS 20, 1957, 329-333; “Reflections on Phonematic Analysis with special regard to a Himachali Dialect”, Pratidanam Kuiper 1968, 307-318, further short papers on Himachali in WZKS 17, 1973, 111-116 and Fs. N. Simonsson 1986, 99-103.

– “Zigøjnerne og deres sprog”, Kungl. Hum. Vet.-Samf. i Upps. Årsbok 1951, 76 p.; “Præpositionernes syntaks i det europeiske zigøjnersprog”, Festskrift L. L. Hammerich 1952.

Himachali Studies. 1-3. Kong. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Hist.-Filos. Medd. 48:1-3. Copenhagen: 1. Vocabulary. 250 p. 1976; 2. Texts. 123 p. 1979; 3. Grammar. 228 p. 1986.

– “Genuine and loan: about the treatment of OI sibilant /m/ in the Northern Indian languages”, AO 51, 1990, 115-124; further articles and reviews.

Sources: Uppsala Univ. matrikel 1937–1950; Pauly, Køb. Univ. 8, 1992, 557ff. with photo; Jes P. Asmussen, Vidensk. Selsk. Oversigt 1989-90, 158-168 with photo and bibliography; J.P. Asmussen & M. Harding, D.B.F. online 2014-16; S. Lienhard, Newsl. Int. Assoc. Skr. St. 4, 1993, 20f.; caricature with poem in Berlingske Tidende 26.10.1944.

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