HERBERICH, Gustav. 18?? — 1???. German Student of Indology. A student of Jolly at Würzburg, Ph.D. there 1893. He was then Realschulassistent in Neuburg, later perhaps in Munich. The Washington Post 12.2. 1911, p. 59 tells that “Frau Paula Herberich is being tried in Nuernberg for killing her husband, Dr. Gustav Herberich, professor at the Nuernberg Gymnasium”. But he is found in ancestry.com and only born in 1878, thus he cannot be our G.H.

Publications: Diss. Zitate aus Vṛiddhamanu und Bṛihanmanu nach Saṁskṛitwerken des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit zusammengestellt und ins Deutsche übersetzt. 32 p. Würzburg 1893 (103 verses).

Sources: No vita in diss.

Last Updated on 7 months by Admin


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