HÉROLD, A.-Ferdinand

HÉROLD, André-Jules-Ferdinand. Paris 24.2.1865 — Lapras (St.Basile, Ardèche) 23.10.1940. French Poet interested in Sanskrit. Son of the lawyer and politician Ferdinand H. (1828–1882), grandson of the composer Ferdinand H. (1791–1833). Studies at École de chartes, but moved to É.P.H.É. Licensié-ès-lettres. Lived in Paris. He was a “poète délicat et tendre”, a symbolist, who used much Greek mythology in his work. Translated Greek and Sanskrit classics.

Publications: Poems and dramas since 1888, on Indian inspiration L’Exil de Harini, poème dramatique. 78 p. P. 1888, and drama Savitri. 78 p. P. 1899.

Translated: L’upanischad du grand Aranyaka. 159 p. P. 1894; L’Anneau de Çakuntala. 161 p. P. 1895; Nala et Damayanti. 137 p. P. 1923; Greek dramas.

– “L’Inde à la Comédie-Française et à la Comédie-Italienne en 1777”, Mélanges S. Lévi 1911, 41-65.

La Vie du Bouddha, d’après les textes de l’Inde ancienne. 259 p. P. 1922 and many editions, The Life of Buddha According to the Legends of Ancient India. Transl. from the French by P. C. Blum. 11+286 p. Tokyo 1954.

Sources: La Grande Encyclopédie 5; D.B.F. 17; P. van Tieghem, Dictionnaire des littérateurs; data.bnf-fr; French Wikipédia with caricature (mainly ignoring his Indian interests).

Last Updated on 9 months by Admin


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