HEYMANN, Wilhelm

HEYMANN, Wilhelm. Bremen 12.7.1847 — Bremen 29.3.1911. German Linguist (IE and English). Teacher in Bremen. Son of a cigar manufacturer. Studied first theology, soon languages at Göttingen. Ph.D. 1873 Göttingen. According to D.L.K. he was Gymnasium teacher in Bremen in 1890 and 1900, in 1906 he is mentioned without a title, in 1914 no longer (dead?). His dissertation was rather important in comparative linguistics and also contained much Sanskrit material.

Publications: Diss. Das “l” der indogermanischen Sprachen gehört der idg. Grundsprache an. 49 p. Weimar 1873, whole work of 76 p. Göttingen 1873.

– “Ueber Bharata’s Nāṭyaçāstram”, NGGW 1874, 86-107; review of Hillebrandt’s Über die Göttin Aditi. Breslau 1876, GGA 1876, 567-575.

– Edited: The Life and Exploits of Robin Hood. 6+86 p. Lp. 1887 (a selection as text-book); Forbes: My Experiences in the war between France and Germany, Auswahl. 12+130 p. Lp. 1895.

Das bremische Plattdeutsch: eine grammatische Darstellung auf sprachgeschichtliche Grundlage. 176 p. Bremen 1909.

Sources: D.L.K. 1890, 1900, 1906; https://plattmakers.de/de/author/Wilhelm-Heymann; no vita in diss.

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