FRANKE, Emil. Velké Březno 3.4.1880 — Prague 1.12.1939. Czech Lawyer and Politician, former student of Indology. Gymnasium in Hradec Králové. From 1899 studies of law at Prague, soon (1902-08) also Sanskrit under Zubatý, then also at Vienna and Berlin. Worked at university library in Prague. In 1917 joined the Czech National Social Party, from 1918 M.P. and held various minister’s posts until his death.

Publications “Buddhismus”, Česká revue  1, 1907-08), 262-268, 345-349; “Filozofie upanišad”, ibid. 664-673; “Politická budoucnost Indie”, Česká revue  3, 1909-10, 321-333; “Šankarův komentář k Bhagavadgítě. Příspěvek ku poznání filozofické literatury staroindické”, Sborník filologický 3, 1910, 322-377; a few linguistic publications.

Sources: Kdo byl kdo – čeští a slovenští orientalisté; German Wikipedia with photo (more in *Czech version).

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