FURNESS, William Henry, III. Wallingford, PA 10.8.1866 — 11.8.1920. U.S. Physician, Traveller and Ethnographer. Son of the Shakespearean scholar Horace Howard F. and Helen Kate Rogers (d. 1883). Educated at St.Paul’s School in Concord, NH. Studies at Harvard (B.A. 1988) and University of Pennsylvania, M.D. 1891. Together with Alfred C. Harrison, Jr., and Hiram M. Hiller he made in 1895-1903 several long expeditions to various parts of South, South-East and East Asia collecting ethnographic, archaeological, and skeletal material (and photos). From 1904 secretary and curator in Free Museum of Science and Arts, University of Pennsylvania. In WW I served as Captain in U.S. Army Medical Corps. Unmarried.
Publications: With H. M. Hiller, Jr.: Notes of a Trip to the Veddahs of Ceylon. 48 p. London 1902.
– “The Ethnography of the Nagas of Eastern Assam”, JRAnthrInst 32, 1902, 445-466.
– Much on Borneo, also on Yap (Caroline Islands).
Sources: prabook.com; Wikipedia with photo.
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