GALLAUD DE LA PÉROUSE, Marie. 19.3.1867 — Neuilly 22.12.1945. French Sculptress, Author and Traveller. Daughter of railway engineer Charles G. and his wife Julie. First exhibition as sculptress in 1890. Visited South and East Asia, even Tibet in disguise, and took many photographs. Her 1931 book is a popular book, compiled from secondary sources. Unmarried.

Publications: Ceylon: Bouddhisme. 164 p. 78 photos. P. 1929; Sud de l’Inde, Hindouisme. 60 p. P. 1929.

– La Vie du Bouddha et les doctrines bouddhiques. 220 p. P. 1931.

Sources: with photo and other stray notes in Internet.

Last Updated on 2 months by Admin


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