HINLOOPEN LABBERTON, Dirk van. Doesburg, Gelderland 24.9.1874 — Ojai, Calif. 3.9.1961. Dutch Theosophist interested in Sanskrit, lived a long time in Indonesia. Son of the bookseller Richard van H.L. and Regina Henke van Assen. Matriculated 1893 from Arnhem, he went in 1894 to Indonesia and worked as employee in sugar industry, from 1896 in eastern Java. He soon began to study Malay, Javanese, and folklore. In 1898 passed the Grootambtenaarsexamen. In 1904-13 taught Javanese, later also Malay, at Willem III Gymnasium in Batavia (Jakarta), until the study line offering these languages was stopped. He adopted Theosophy, started the study of Sanskrit, and became a prolific author. In 1914-16 he taught Malay at Bestuursschool in Batavia. He became engaged in politics and worked as active politician. In the early 1920s he visited Europe and Australia, studied Japanese. In 1923-25 taught Dutch, but also Malay, Javanese and Sanskrit, at Imperial University in Tokyo. In 1926 returned to the Netherlands. Ph.D. 1927 Leiden, in Indology. Ph.D. Amsterdam 1929, in History. In 1927 he was among the founders of “Theosofisch Lyceum” in Naarden and worked as its teacher and Rector until 1937, when he emigrated to Ojai near Los Angeles. Married 1901 Frederique Henriëtte Jacoba van Motman, one son.

Publications: Much on Theosophy, education, and politics.

Atha Sjrīmad Bhagawad Gītā. 147 p. Amsterdam 1910 (text transliterated according to Dutch orthography); Het Heilandslied: eene metrische vertaaling van Sjriemad Bhagawad-Gietaa, naar het Sanskrtaorigineel. 121 p. Buitenzorg, Java c. 1914.

Het Sanskrtam voor Hollanders verklaard: eene eenvoudige spraakleer van de gewijde taal deer Aaryaas. 6+34 p. Batavia 1914.

– “De Yoga-aphorismen van Patandjali”, Theosophisch Maanblad van Ned. Indië 1917.

– “Het sanskrta-element in de geographische namen van den Indischen archipel”, Verh. Oostersch Genootschap 6, 1929, 25-29.

Sources: Biogr. Woordenboek van Ned. 4, 1994, 186-188, now in http://resources.huygens.knaw.nl/bwn1880-2000/lemmata/bwn4/hinloop.

Last Updated on 9 months by Admin


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