GALLOWAY, Archibald. Perth 12.2.1779 — London 6.4.1850. Sir. British (Scottish) Colonial Officer in India. Major-General. Son of James G. and Margaret Forester. Cadet 1799, joined Bengal Native Infantry in 1800, participated in the defence of Delhi 1804 and the siege of Bharatpur 1805. Colonel 1836, Major-General 1841. From 1840 one of E.I.C.’s Directors, 1849 Chairman of the Court of Directors. K.C.B. 1848. Married 1815 Adelaide Campbell, six daughters and three sons.
Publications: A Commentary on the Mohammedan Law. 18??; On Sieges of India. 18??.
– Observations on the Law and Constitution and present Government of India: on the nature of landed tenures and financial resources, as recognized by the Moohummudan law and Moghul government, with an inquiry into the administration of justice, revenue, and police, at present existing in Bengal. L. 1825, enl. 2nd ed. 16+512 p. L. 1832.
– Treatise on the Manufacture of Gunpowder. 18??.
– Notes on the Siege of Delhi in 1804, with Observations on the position of the Indian Government under the Marquess of Wellesley. 24 p. L. 184?.
Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; G.F.R.B[arker], D.N.B. 20, 1889, 384f.; Wikipedia; portrait by J. F. Joubert in the homepage of National Galleries Scotland.
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