GARGANO, Antonio

GARGANO, Antonio. Grumento Nova, Lucania 1914 — Ibid. (?) 1997. Italian Indologist. Studies at Rome under Formichi and Tucci. Ph.D. Assistant, then Lecturer in Modern Aryan Languages and Literature at Rome. He collaborated with Tucci in the 1950s, in 1979 General Secretary of IsMEO. Called Professor. After retirement returned to Grumento Nova. A perfectionist who published very little, but had excellent command of Sanskrit.

Publications: “Una nuova leggenda di Śūdraka nel Ratnakaraṇḍaka”, RSO 26, 1951, 71-86.

– “L’IsMEO ei rapporti culturali italo-iraniani”, Il veltro. Rivista della civiltà italiana 14, 1970, 189-195.

– Edited with Tucci the Serie Orientale Roma.

Sources: L. Lanciotti, E & W 47, 1997, 422f. with photo

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