HOFFMANN, Otto. Hannover 9.2.1865 — Münster 6.6.1940. German IE and Greek Linguist. Professor in Münster. Son of Otto Heinrich Karl H. (1837–1879), a Prussian civil servant, and Johanna Schnelle, grew up in Hannover. From 1883 studied at Göttingen, Ph.D. there 1888 (diss. on Greek dialects). PD 1889 Königsberg, ao. Professor there from 1896, but very soon moved to Breslau. In 1907-09 ord. Professor of IE Linguistics at Breslau and 1909-35 at Münster. Also active in politics (in DNVP or Deurschnationale Volkspartei, in 1921-33 in Prussian Landtag) and sympathetic to Nazis. Married 1896 Anna Auguste Bertheau (1866–1931), one daughter and one son.

Publications: Habil. diss. Das Praesens der indogermanischen Grundsprache in seiner Flexion und Stamm­bildung: ein Beitrag zur indogermanischen Formenlehre. 145 p. Göttingen 1889.

Articles on IE in BB 1892-1901; much on Greek.

Sources: G. Baader N.D.B. 9, 1972, 436; K.H. Meyer, Idg. Jb. 25, 1941 (1942), 385-390, with photo; *E. Schwentner, Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft 280, 1942, Nekr. 35-48; bibliography by E. Schwentner, Idg. Jb. 20, 1936, 354-357; German Wikipedia with photo.

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